Andean Mountain Alien Body

In January of 1974 an unidentified flyng object (UFO) fell in the Andean mountains of Peru. The Military authorities denied what had happened, but some people were there before them and took something very valuable.....a HUMANOID(Alien). What you gonna see here is the dead Alien body that was keep over 33 years. Compare the skull of this humanoid the that of the Starchild skull.

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About Saucertube

I am constantly on the internet in search of more information on the underground world that has been hidden from us. It is some sort of obsession. After years of watching countless documentaries I decided to begin a blog to gather all this information into one place and share it with others. Make sure you don't forget to check the older posts.

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Countless UFO videos of random objects posted every hour just for material. People claiming they are getting psychic messages from extraterrestrials. Religious fanatics. Energy healing products.